More Than 20% of St Barth’s Bucket Fleet are Perini Navis

Forty-seven yachts will make up the fleet of this year’s St Barth’s Bucket Regatta, an international regatta that draws yachts and designers from all over the world to the Caribbean, for a fun yet competitive regatta where safety is held supreme. 

No fewer then ten of the participating yachts are Perini Navis.

They are:

  • Andromeda la Dea
  • Antara
  • Baracuda
  • Clan VIII
  • Fidelis
  • Helios
  • P2
  • Panthalassa
  • Parsifall III
  • Zenji

Racing is divided into three categories:

  • Les Gazelles de Mer is the Racing category with 20 yachts enrolled
  • Les Grandes Dames de Mer is the Cruising category with 15 yachts enrolled
  • Les Elegantes del Mers a category reserved for the 12 J Class yachts

The regatta will begin on March 22nd and will have a full programme. Starting with registration and a J Class Exhibition Race, the Captain’s Meeting, the Fleet Welcome Party and the Owner’s Reception.

The first regatta will follow the Around the Island course and will begin in the morning of March 23rd followed by the Dock Party & Fleet Open House in the evening.

The second race will be the next day and will be along the Not so Wiggley course and will be followed by the Bucket Bash.

March 25th will see the last race along the Wrong Way Around course and will be followed by the prize ceremony and a cocktail party.