Financial Times to Produce Special Report about Yachting and Marinas in May

The Financial Times proposes to publish an FT Special Report about Yachting & Marinas on May 24th, 2012.

Currently they plan to include 12 features but as always this list is provisional

For copyright reasons that list must be viewed from the FT Web site.  To read it click here 

Special Reports are written by FT staff journalists and a small number of selected specialist freelance writers.  As we have done in the past, we hope to be among those writers selected but until the editor formally allocates the writers list we do not yet know which will be allocated to us.

As always writers will be specialists in the field and already have regular contacts to update them.  It is therefore difficult for an unsolicited submission to be so compelling that it forces its way on to a writer’s agenda. However, it does happen occasionally.

The FT asks that all submissions be sent to, from where they are forwarded to the appropriate writer.

Please also note that due to the volume of material received, it is not always possible to acknowledge or reply to every submission. 

The advertising booking deadline is: April 17th, 2012 with the copy deadline being May 4th, 2012.  For further details of advertising opportunities contact Ian Edwards on 020 7873 3272; email