Takeover of German Superyacht Yard Completed

The superyacht builder and commercial shipyard HDW Kiel is now officially own by Abu Dhabi Mar who already own German based Nobiskrug and CMN in Cherbourg.

They have now confirmed that contracts for the acquisition of the former HDW Gaarden in Kiel have now entered into force.

Abu Dhabi Mar Kiel has taken over the facilities, equipment and infrastructure of the former HDW Gaarden, and has 172 employees.

The yard is currently building a 75m superyacht and an offshore transformer platform.

It will shortly begin the  construction of a second offshore transformer platform, for which an order has already been placed.

The company describes its target markets as offshore platforms, superyachts and construction of other specialised vessels. 

The yard regards future prospects in its main fields of activity to be good, and is looking at new projects to guarantee full capacity utilisation in the future.

In order to ensure a long-term and optimal utilisation of the facility in Kiel and a competitive cost structure, a close cooperation with parner yard Nobiskrug in Rendsburg, providing major services, has been established.