Perini Cup Day 4

Day three of racing and the fourth and final day of the rendezvous saw every conceivable drama.

The day started with high winds which threatened the days activities but the wind quickly abated to let the boats leave the dock.

Then in light conditions, after a delayed start the race committee running the Perini Cup hoisted a signal November Alpha, a signal that effectively abandoned the race less than two hours into the race.

This was a decision that did not go down well with the Captains many of who decided that they would carry on, albeit on a shortened course.

One by one the big boats called in their support asking for a change of heart by the race committee

This in turn did not go down well with the race organisers who thought they were in charge and did not take kindly to a mutiny within the fleet

It was left to one Captain to make the announcement over the radio, that echoed the thoughts of many; that this is a Gentlemen’s race for owners of Superyachts who were having fun doing what they have built their yachts for.