Monaco Show is buzzing with activity

Outside the Principality, the stock market is plunging and the dark clouds of financial doom are again gathering over Europe but here in Monaco, despite the crisis, the sun is shining on the SuperYacht World.

Champagne, cocktails dinners and extravagant press conferences are the order of the day.

One of the most spectacular was that presented by the Italian Boat builder San Lorenzo.

Journalists balanced on stools and listened on translation headphones as Chairman Massimo Perotti  ran through the years facts and figures demonstrating how the company is bucking the trend and performing significantly better than its competitors.

They watched performance and comparative graphs on a huge screen and wrote down quotes that will make headlines elsewhere in the yachting press. Then they were told to watch the screen to see the new SL94 the latest in their long line of superyachts.

The video began the music thumped a beat and then as if by magic the video faded the screen disappeared and there floating at the dock before their very eyes was the new superyacht spirited into position while they were in the conference.

It was a spectacular presentation and nothing short of superyacht theatre at its very best.

Well done San Lorenzo