Superyacht Aviva Visits London

Photograph Charles Howorth
London is a long haul up a river for a superyacht and docking facilities are seldom suitable for the either the yacht or her guests.  This means only the dedicated few bother to make the hike to Englands Capital but one who has done so recently is Aviva the 68 metre built in Germany by Abeking Rasmussen in 2007.
Her interior design is from Reymond Langdon whose offices are also on the outskirts of London.  The same design team are responsible for her exterior styling and it was they who gave her the unmistakable knife edge bow that allows the yacht to cleanly power through the water at speeds of up to 16 knots.
25 crew look after 12 guests who have the ability to move through all six decks in a circular glass elevator the shaft of which permits natural daylight to penetrate through all six decks

See Also a Blog Posted Much Later 


  1. Saw this yacht up close today (September 21st)it’s been docked at the Thames for approx two weeks now and has been drawing attention from everyone crossing Tower Bridge. Up close shes fantastic of course when i say up close i mean from the shore outside the All Bar One i have to say she looks more impressive then the Belfast. Saw some high flyer city slicker board the yacht and make his way through the yacht ooooh to be a modern day Alan Sugar….

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