Flat Pack Panic Room Becomes Latest Superyacht Accessory

With piracy on the rise, security continues to be a major concern for superyacht owners.  Until recently such areas were seldom installed except on the very largest of yachts and nearly always then during the build process.
Now however the latest accessory available to is a personalised Panic Room that not only can be retro fitted but comes as a flat pack that can be used in locations both ashore and afloat.
Steve Brook, Business Development Director of the Panic Room Company, explains, “Our superyacht clients tend to stock up on multiple Panic Rooms locating some onboard their yachts, others within the summer residence, at the entry gate, in the office or to store valuable art, antiques or arms.

When you consider the modern day backdrop of rising terrorism, cross-border migration and disparity between haves and have nots, it follows that our versatile Panic Room makes effective and economical sense for these high net worth individuals and their possessions.  Panic rooms are no longer a luxury, but a necessity.”
Produced in consultation with senior military experts and police, the Panic Room is a safe, sustainable refuge as a last point of defence and can be specified to withstand mechanical attacks, shotgun fire and more powerful weapon attacks. 

Each unit can then be connected to complementary devices such as a simple ‘panic button’ to activate the home alarm system, iPad-2 technology using ISDN or 3G to contact external help or a bespoke computer system able to drive smoke screens or security cameras.
Delivered flat-pack, the Panic Room can be installed in half a day with minimal manpower providing flexibility of use and portability between locations and various size options are available. 

The unit can be disguised to unobtrusively blend in with any environment and, although the time spent within is likely to be minimal, the Panic Room is comfortable and sustainable with external ventilation and air filtration, breathing equipment, lighting, back-up power supplies, fresh water and basic toilets all part of the concept.
Whilst it may not draw the same attention as the fancy helicopter or the latest submarine, that security officers consider, the Flat Pack Panic Room looks set to become the ultimate superyacht accessory.