Professional Qualifications for Interior Crew on Superyachts

The Professional Yachtsman’s Association (PYA) has agreed to lead a training project that could in the future lead to interior yacht crew sitting exams for formal qualifications
Interior yacht crew who work in the hotel department of the superyacht have the vital and fundamental front line role of service to owners and guests.  It is they who ensure that the service and hospitality provided aboard is of the highest quality.
Yet there has been little formal training available for this role and what training that does exist varies widely in both its objectives and its standards.
Following a well attended public meeting at the recent Antibes Yacht Show and in response to demands from interior crew, Captains and Training Providers; the PYA has agreed to lead the development of a formal career structure for training and certification for Interior crew.
Now that the PYA have established and identified the need for a standard of training, they have agreed to lead an industry working group that will create a formal structure for the training and professional development of interior crew, similar to the existing training route for deck and engineering crew.
The working group is made up of the Association’s own Continuous Professional Development workgroup, along with other industry professionals, such as active crew and leading training providers.
As part of the development process, the committee are keen to have feedback from interior crew and are sending out online surveys to those who have expressed an interest in participating.
The career structure is expected to provide a balance of experience, combining formal training plus onboard work experience to create a training ladder leading from entry-level as a junior stewardess / steward right up to Purser.
There will be a syllabus, setting out the minimum training to be given at each level, and any school that meets this requirement can apply for accreditation to issue PYA endorsed certificates to students who successfully complete these courses.
The PYA aims to announce the results of this project at the Monaco Yacht Show later this year.